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Spirit Mysteries is an online modern Mystery School with a vibrant and elevated community, and containing hundreds of hours of courses. 

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The Relationship Between E.T. Encounters and DMT ~ TruthSeekah

Join Jordan and TruthSeekah as we explore the relationship between extra-terrestrial encounters and DMT...

Check out the full podcast interview:

TruthSeekah's podcast with Jordan:

Check out more of Derek's work:

The world is changing. Can you feel it? The mission of Spirit Science is to support you in your personal and spiritual evolution by providing a safe and sacred space to explore and experience your own spiritual journey. In this podcast, we explore various topics - from the mystic arts to personal transformation, and from ascension to disclosure. Spirit Science LIVE hosts engaging and multi-faceted discussions, expanding our thinking about what is real, what is true, and what is possible. Join us for a curious exploration into life’s...

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Human Consciousness Integration with Technology ~ Brian Dixon

Join Jordan and Brian as we explore human consciousness and its connection to technology...

Check out the full podcast interview:

Check out more of Brian's work:
Lifestyle Course:

The world is changing. Can you feel it? The mission of Spirit Science is to support you in your personal and spiritual evolution by providing a safe and sacred space to explore and experience your own spiritual journey. In this podcast, we explore various topics - from the mystic arts to personal transformation, and from ascension to disclosure. Spirit Science LIVE hosts engaging and multi-faceted discussions, expanding our thinking about what is real, what is true, and what is possible. Join us for a curious exploration of life’s great mysteries.

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A talk about the Equality of the Sexes ~ Naia Leigh

Join Jordan and Naia as we explore the equality of sexes and our roles as "men" and "women" in today's world...

Check out the full podcast:

Check out more of Naia's work:

The world is changing. Can you feel it? The mission of Spirit Science is to support you in your personal and spiritual evolution by providing a safe and sacred space to explore and experience your own spiritual journey. In this podcast, we explore various topics - from the mystic arts to personal transformation, and from ascension to disclosure. Spirit Science LIVE hosts engaging and multi-faceted discussions, expanding our thinking about what is real, what is true, and what is possible. Join us for a curious exploration of life’s great mysteries.

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Ascension and Supernatural Abilities ~ Bridget Nielson

Join Jordan and Bridget as we explore the concepts of ascension and supernatural abilities...

Check out the full podcast:

Check out more of Bridget's work:

The world is changing. Can you feel it? The mission of Spirit Science is to support you in your personal and spiritual evolution by providing a safe and sacred space to explore and experience your own spiritual journey. In this podcast, we explore various topics - from the mystic arts to personal transformation, and from ascension to disclosure. Spirit Science LIVE hosts engaging and multi-faceted discussions, expanding our thinking about what is real, what is true, and what is possible. Join us for a curious exploration of life’s great mysteries.

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Finding your Life Purpose ~ Victor Oddo

Join Jordan and Victor as we explore what it means to find your life purpose...

Check out the full podcast interview:

Check out more of Victor's work:

The world is changing. Can you feel it? The mission of Spirit Science is to support you in your personal and spiritual evolution by providing a safe and sacred space to explore and experience your own spiritual journey. In this podcast, we explore various topics - from the mystic arts to personal transformation, and from ascension to disclosure. Spirit Science LIVE hosts engaging and multi-faceted discussions, expanding our thinking about what is real, what is true, and what is possible. Join us for a curious exploration of life’s great mysteries.

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Tall Poppy Syndrome & Caring for Others ~ Atlantis King

Join Jordan and Tyler as we dive into Tall Poppy Syndrome and what it means to care for others...

Check out the full podcast interview:

Check out Tyler's YouTube channel here ~

The world is changing. Can you feel it? The mission of Spirit Science is to support you in your personal and spiritual evolution by providing a safe and sacred space to explore and experience your own spiritual journey. In this podcast, we explore various topics - from the mystic arts to personal transformation, and from ascension to disclosure. Spirit Science LIVE hosts engaging and multi-faceted discussions, expanding our thinking about what is real, what is true, and what is possible. Join us for a curious exploration of life’s great mysteries.

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Spirit Science LIVE #9 ~ Patrick Haize

spirit science live video Dec 21, 2020

Patrick Haize is a transformational esoteric mentor, a poet and MC, an inspirational speaker, and a counselor inside of our mystery school! 

Check him out at: 
Youtube: Instagram:

The world is changing. Can you feel it? The mission of Spirit Science is to support you in your personal and spiritual evolution by providing a safe and sacred space to explore and experience your own spiritual journey. In this podcast, we explore various topics - from the mystic arts to personal transformation, and from ascension to disclosure. Spirit Science LIVE hosts engaging and multi-faceted discussions, expanding our thinking about what is real, what is true, and what is possible. Join us for a curious exploration into life’s great mysteries.

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Blockages and Resolving Trauma ~ Cheni Jouini (The Journey)

Get your copy of the 2021 Almanac of the New Age, and start 2021 off with a super high vibration! Here's the link:

Join Jordan and Chedi (The Journey) as we explore what blockages are and what modalities of healing can help us to resolve trauma...

Check out the full podcast/interview:

The world is changing. Can you feel it? The mission of Spirit Science is to support you in your personal and spiritual evolution by providing a safe and sacred space to explore and experience your own spiritual journey. In this podcast, we explore various topics - from the mystic arts to personal transformation, and from ascension to disclosure. Spirit Science LIVE hosts engaging and multi-faceted discussions, expanding our thinking about what is real, what is true, and what is possible. Join us for a curious exploration of life’s great mysteries.

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Spirit Science LIVE #8 ~ Chedi Jouini

spirit science live video Dec 19, 2020

Chedi Jouini (The Journey) has been doing educational animations on Youtube for 5 years mostly based on Jungian psychology, spirituality and healing techniques. He's a psychology graduate trained in different neo-shamanic psycho-therapeutic healing modalities that guarantee rapid emotional blockage clearing. He also coaches people on how to access and make permanent higher states of consciousness (bliss, unconditional love, Gaia connection, social flow, fearlessness, oneness, presence, etc).

In this episode, we discuss the many modalities of healing, the origin of our blockages, the power of plant medicine in regards to our energy field, our connection to the planet, earthing, the power of silence and solitude, and what it means to be enlightened.

Check out more of Chedi's work: - YouTube:

The world is changing. Can you feel it? The mission of Spirit Science is to...

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How To Let Go and Surrender ~ Lorie Ladd

Get your copy of the 2021 Almanac of the New Age, and start 2021 off with a super high vibration! Here's the link:

Join Jordan and Lorie as we explore how to truly let go and surrender...

Check out the full podcast interview:

The world is changing. Can you feel it? The mission of Spirit Science is to support you in your personal and spiritual evolution by providing a safe and sacred space to explore and experience your own spiritual journey. In this podcast, we explore various topics - from the mystic arts to personal transformation, and from ascension to disclosure. Spirit Science LIVE hosts engaging and multi-faceted discussions, expanding our thinking about what is real, what is true, and what is possible. Join us for a curious exploration into life’s great mysteries.

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